Saturday, March 29, 2008


There once was a time
Vivid in my mind
When things were so much easier.

We woke a dawn
And mowed the lawn
And everyone seem busier.

We walked to school
To learn the golden rule
And learning was so much fun.

We played games like jacks
And hopped to the song Miss Mac
And around the yard we would just run.

Most of our toys were home made
We had no idea what was a raid
Yes, life was so much simpler.

We would drink kool aid
Or a bottle of Chavannes lemonade
Yes, life was a lot calmer.

But today we are on the go
Standing in lines or sitting in rows
For this is reality.

Apples are nolonger just at Christmas
Cell phones, MP3 and Ipods are a must
We're living in the 21st Century!
Brenda A. Ysaguirre
Copyright 2008 Brenda A. Ysaguirre

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