Saturday, July 26, 2008


For a special friend who needed this poem now.

When you are feeling low,

Wherever you go,

There is something you must do,

And that is to think only on YOU.

The sky is your world,

Remember you are a woman not a girl.

The sea is your friend,

No one can hurt you then.

Keep your head high,

Don't utter sigh.

Don't bend your shoulder in defeat,

Look straight up and let your eyes meet.

Show that you are strong,

And nothing can go wrong.

Show that you are no weak,

And you will find the comfort you seek.

The world is in your hand,

You must always have a plan.

For if you try to falter or wilt,

Your fate they will tilt.

Remember you are POWER,

Remember this si your HOUR.

Don't give in to the oppressor,

Show that you are a survivor.

For once your attitude you change,

New things come within your range.

And no one can mar your happiness,

And you will be ble to give your best.

Brenda A. Ysaguirre
Copyright 2008 Brenda A. Ysaguirre

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