Thursday, July 31, 2008


A year has no gone by,

Since that first night that we met.

And I cannot tell a lie,

We have so much we have not done yet.

But as new things we do from time to time,

My joy is complete.

And I gladly each rong will climb,

Because I know at the top you I will meet.

You fill my world with so much of the NOW,

And my heart with happiness and love.

People look at me and wonder how,

I got showered with love from above.

There is no doubt it was to be,

This friendship that we share.

And time stands still for you and me,

Because for each other we truly care.

So thank you for being here,

And filling my life with song.

You are my friend and lover, so dear.

With you by my side nothing goes wrong.

Brenda A. Ysaguirre
Copyright 2008 Brenda A. Ysaguirre

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